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Let it Flow: The Art and Science of Yoga Sequencing

Traditional yogic texts say there are 84,000 asanas. With infinite possibilities for sequencing a class or practice, it can be hard to know where to start—or stop. The art of sequencing takes you seamlessly from one asana to the next, but it also helps you transition from everyday concerns to your mat, and take the fruits of your practice with you as you return to daily life. A lucky few seem to be able to find this flow effortlessly. For the rest of us, it’s good to have a plan.

Start by considering your theme or purpose. Are you working with a health issue, balancing your doshas, or building toward an epic asana, such as Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand) or Hanumanasana (Seated Splits)? Perhaps you want to fine-tune your alignment or explore one of the yamas (such as ahimsa or non-harming) through asana. Whatever your purpose, choose a few key poses that relate to your theme, and gather your props and set a time for your practice. Do this before you start so that you don’t have to interrupt your practice to get a blanket or strap, cue your favorite music, or silence your phone.

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